Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Max 'Bull' Lang - Troll Street Sam

Bull is an amazing physical specimen, even for a troll.  Lots of trolls are massive, but few are as nimble and naturally athletic as Bull.  Born Max Lang, his somewhat mellow personality and amiable sense of humor stand in stark contrast to his ferocious appearance.

His obvious physical talents led to him being pulled into the world of Augmented/Metahuman class boxing.  Known as 'The Bull' in the ring, he had a natural ability to excite the raucous crowds.   Max used his winnings to fund a series of augmentations to make him an even more formidable fighter.  His high tech cyber eyes/ears and implanted commlink setup were installed to capture fight sensory data from his first person perspective.....and Bull always put on an exciting show for the fans.

Being young, and showered with  fame and easy money he soon fell in with 'the wrong crowd'.  A mid-level mafia boss, Antonio Scalia, coerced Max into agreeing to throw his biggest fight.  In the ring, with the adrenaline pumping, Max just couldn't do it.  He won the match with a spectacular uppercut to the jaw of his formidable ork opponent.

Scalia was furious and demanded that Max pay back all the money that he lost.  Even after liquidating everything he had in the world, Max still owes Scalia 15,000 nuyen.

Max lost his credibility in the ring, his apartment, his collection of motorcycles...basically everything he had.  He is broke, on the streets and the mafia is getting impatient waiting on the balance of the money he owes.  He's turned to a life of squatting and picking up runner jobs where he can to try and scrape together the last 15,000 so that he can re-start his life.

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