Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fire & Ice

Sabine grew up in a quiet suburb of Cheyenne within the Sioux nation and was raised by her smiling Uncle Mort.

Growing up was perfectly normal for Sabine. Though on occasion neighbors did complain about the gunshots and the restricted weaponry on the premises.

While most little girls were playing with their dolls Sabine was learning how to field strip an HK-227X. By the time other girls were in gym class or practicing their cheers Sabine was learning how to dodge live fire. All was right in the world.

Life was thrilling and challenging. Besides her uncle's training, Sabine lived a life of normalcy and happiness. That all changed. Their house was hit fast and hard that night. Sabine must have spent the first several minutes under her bed screaming and vomiting from the gas.

Sabine learned two things that night. One, her uncle's real name was Mortacainen Foxfire and he used to be a shadowrunner. The second, her mother was still alive somewhere. The team that hit their home learned something that night too. That inescapable images of horror await all those who survive a little girl that Awakens as a warrior adept in a night of anguish and revelation.

Sabine lost her uncle and saw her whole life vaped in the staccato flash of SMG fire. The Johnson got to have his revenge against her uncle and only lost most of his team of expendable runners.

Sabine tapped her uncle's reserve account and a supply cache he had hidden outside of the city. She found a pair of machine pistols she had seen in a picture of her mother.

Now Sabine was headed to her uncle's old running grounds to see what she could uncover. The same city where her mother disappeared. The shadows of Seattle beckoned her into their cold and dark embrace.

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